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Mendix Says Low-Code Platform Drives Speed of App Development & Fuels Digital Innovation

In 2017, the low-code platform sector is on fire, making it faster and easier to build web and mobile apps. At Mendix, their recipe for ‘low-code platform success’ goes beyond speed, with features to drive innovation from a lifecycle perspective. IDN speaks with Mendix CTO Johan den Haan about the importance of smart integration, collaboration and control. 

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SmartBear Looks To Speed Up Design, Documenting APIs with Updated, Unified Swagger UI and Editor

SmartBear Software is offering a new unified open source Swagger Editor and UI to make it easier to design, document and consume APIs using the OpenAPI/Swagger toolchain.  SmartBear also adds IBM Cloud to its commercial SwaggerHub integrated API platform offering.

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Customer Experience is King for App Success; Monitoring Strategies Need To Adjust

A satisfying customer experience far outweighs all other metrics for app success.  That said, a survey from BigPanda finds it is getting more difficult for IT to effectively monitor apps and systems.  IDN looks at BigPanda’s survey – and suggestions to bridge this gap.

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‘Full Life Cycle’ API Management Can Drive Competitive Advantage

As APIs become a popular part of digital transformation, adopters are finding API management across the ‘full lifecycle,’ adds to business impact and ROI.  IDN looks at the study from CA Technologies and Coleman Parkes Research.

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Integration is The Next Step to ROI on Big Data Analytics

Organizations looking for more value from big data investments are finding integration developers  – rather than new big data specialists – may hold the key. Progress’   Sumit Sarkar reveals why integration skills can quickly spread big data ROI to more business apps and users.

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Survey: Evan Data Finds App Developers Welcome the Surge in AI, Deep Learning Tools

A recent survey from Evans Data reveals artificial intelligence is hitting its stride, as developers welcome a parade of AI-centric technologies for apps. IDN speaks Evans Data vice president David Intersimone.

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Survey: Trends, Stresses Revealed in App Development for Digital Transformation

A new survey from OutSystems reveals the unspoken truth about digital transformation projects. They are indeed exciting; but can also put a growing strain on IT.  IDN discusses OutSystem’s survey of 3200 IT professionals with CMO Steve Rotter, along with how a low-code app platform can ease the pressure.

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Centrify Analytics Service Uses Machine Learning and User Behavior To Stop Breaches in Real Time

A Forrester Research study, commissioned by security firm Centrify, estimates 1 billion identities were compromised in 2016.  The firm is also launching Centrify Analytics Service to shore up access protection with real-time analytics and machine learning.

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Splunk Continues To Expand Its Adaptive Response Initiative To Detect, Battle CyberThreats Faster

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, headline-grabbing security point solutions just can’t handle the speed and complexity of diagnosing and fighting off the attacks.  In response, Splunk continues to recruit vendor partners and domain experts to its Adaptive Response Initiative. IDN looks at the latest additions.

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Jitterbit's Latest Cloud Integration Update Takes ‘Citizen Integrator’ To a New Level

Jitterbit’s latest cloud integration platform update, Harmony Winter ’17, takes self-service integration to a new level -- with a simple interface, smart recipes and more. It's all designed to help turn non-technical users into powerful ‘citizen’ integrators.  Jitterbit execs tell IDN why without self-service integration, the tasks that will build out the digital enterprise just won’t scale. 

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Dell Boomi Update Demonstrates Power of Integration to Deliver Digital Transformation

Integration is proving a key part of meeting daily deliverables for digital transformation. Dell Boomi’s latest update for AtomSphere iPaaS is the largest yet -- with some 200 enhancements. IDN speaks with Boomi execs about a new intuitive UI for faster turn-arounds; a  slew of new connectors; and deeper data management and governance.   

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Red Hat Breaks Down Barriers to Enterprise Container Adoption with Latest Updates to OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat’s latest update to its Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform sports features to strike a balance between providing a platform with no-nonsense support for mission-critical workloads, yet giving headroom for creativity and innovation.

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