Results for Summit
IBM Mobile First: Put Your Business in Motion
- Vijay Dheap: Global Product Manager Mobile Security Solutions
Integrating Cloud & Mobile for the Responsive Enterprise
- Bruce Tierney - Director of Oracle SOA Suite
Supercharge SOA with the Agility of API Management
- Todd Cramer
Director, Technical Marketing
“THINK APIs” From SOA to an API Ecosystem
- Claus T Jensen, PhD
Chief Architect, SOA and APIs
What’s New in Oracle Integration - Simplify Integration to Cloud and Mobile
- Bruce Tierney
Director – Oracle SOA Suite
Are APIs & SOA Converging?
- Sachin Agarwal
Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategy
IBM Worklight 6.2 Overview
- Patrick Dodd
Cloud & Smart Infrastructure - MobileFirst
- Adam Stein
Vice President for Mobile Product Marketing
Mobility in the Enterprise – a Balancing ACT
- Paul Madsen
Principal Technical Architect - Office of the CTO
Your Journey to Mobilizing Your Users - Any App - Anytime
- James Rendell
Director, New Business Innovation
Tyson Whitten
Director, API Management Solutions
Unleashing SOA - Faster Response to Business Change
- Hub Vandervoort - CTO for Enterprise Infrastructure
SOA for the Masses
- Pat Walsh - Vice President Application Integration Division
Applications in the Cloud? Now How Do I Integrate Them Into My Business
- Pierre Fricke - Director SOA Products
Real-time and Big Data Enabled Service Oriented Architecture
Vamsi Chemitiganti -
Chief Solutions Architect
Successful Mobile & Cloud Apps Using SOA & WebSphere DataPower Appliances
- Sid Bhatia -
Program Director, Product Management
Enterprise API Platforms: The Convergence of SOA Governance and API Management
Corey Scobie -
Vice President, Technology
Hybrid Cloud Integration is Coming: Are You Ready?
- Ross Mason -
Founder and CTO
Simplifying Integration & SOA in the Enterprise and in the Cloud
Bruce Tierney -
Director for Oracle SOA Suite
Mobile and Machine-to-Machine Messaging and Big Data
- Andrew Schofield - Chief Architect for IBM MessageSight
Using SOA to Power New Mobile, Cloud & Process Applications
Subhash Ramachandran -
Sr VP, Product Management
Big Data Governance: A Total Data Management Approach
- Steve Sarsfield - Senior Product Manager
Case Study Keynote Panel - SOA Summit - August 23 2012
- [IBM ] Sid Bhatia - Program Director, Product Management
- [Software AG] Subhash Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Product Management
- [SOA Software] Corey Scobie - Vice President, Technology
- [Red Hat] Vamsi Chemitiganti - Chief Solutions Architect
- [Oracle] Bruce Tierney - Director for Oracle SOA Suite.
- [FuseSource] Rob Davies - CTO
- [Talend] Pat Pruchnickyj - Director, Product Marketing
- [MuleSoft] Ross Mason - Founder and CTO
Transitioning Legacy SOA Platforms to Participate in the New API Economy - GNAX and Intel
- Andy Thurai - Chief Architect, Application Security and Identity Products
How Open Source SOA and Integration Middleware enable easier Mobile - Cloud and BPM projects
- Sameer Parulkar - Product Marketing Manager JBoss Enterprise Middleware
Three Solutions for Simplifying Cloud/On-Premises Integration
- Bruce Tierney - Director, SOA Suite
SOA for Today Data-Driven Business
Pat Pruchnickyj -
Director, Product Marketing
SOA Summit Agenda
- [Oracle] - Bruce Tierney: Director, Oracle SOA Suite
- [Intel] - Andy Thurai: Chief Architect, Application Security & Identity
- [SOA Software] - Alistair Farquharson: CTO
- [Red Hat] - Sameer Parulkar: Product Marketing Manager - JBoss Middleware
- [Ping Identity] - David Gorton: Platform Product Manager
IBM Mobile Foundation V5.0
Dirk Nicol - Program Director for Mobile Strategy and Product Management
Mobile IT Summit Agenda
- [IBM] Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer
- [Intel] Blake Dournaee Product Manager - Expressway Service Gateway
- [Vision Mobile] Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D. - Managing Director
- [SOA Software] Alistair Farquharson - CTO
- [Retriever Communications] Mary Brittain-White - CEO and Founder
- [Retriever Communications] Damien Moriarty - International Manager
- [Ping Identity] Scott Tomilson - Technical Product Manager
Web Security - Going Mobile
Maryann Hondo - Sr Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Product Management – Mobile
Using Hadoop to Impact Business as it Happens
- Jack Norris
Chief Marketing Officer
A Standards-Based Approach for Authentication & Authorization of Mobile Applications
Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
Become a Mobile Enterprise Using the IBM Mobile Application Development Lifecycle
Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer
Enterprise Mobility and SAP Mobile Strategy
Jagdish Bansiya - Vice President and CTO, Enterprise Mobility, Sybase (an SAP Company)
Connect Enterprise APIs to Mobile App Dev
Blake Dournaee [Intel] - Product Manager - Expressway Service Gateway Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D. [VisionMobile ] - Managing Director
What is the role of SOA in the world of Big Data?
- Thomas Steinborn
Sr. Product Manager
Enterprise Mobility: How to Start?
Mary Brittain-White - CEO and Founder Damien Moriarty - International Manager
Success in the API Economy with Red Hat JBoss
- Kenneth Peeples
JBoss Technology Evangelist
Applying a Data-centric Security Strategy to the Cloud
- Troy Kitch
Sr. Principal Director, Security Software
Security Threats, Frameworks and Mitigation Efforts
- Peter Allor
Security Strategist
Practical Steps to Secure your APIs for Mobile
- Mark O’Neill
VP Innovation, Axway
Technologies for a Data-Centric Security Approach
- Sudeep Venkatesh
VP, Solutions Architecture
Oracle Mobile Security
- Dave Smith
Sr. Principal, for Identity Management and Security
Putting APIs First in your Mobile Strategy
- Ross Garrett
Sr Director Product Marketing
Big Data In Motion Summit Agenda
- [MapR]: Jack Norris - CMO
- [Talend]: Pat Pruchnickyj - Product Marketing Director
- [Cloudera]: Clarke Patterson - Sr. Director, Product Marketing
Equip Your Big Data Journey – Deliver all data where - when and how the business needs it
- Pat Pruchnickyj
Product Marketing Director
Evolving Today’s Organization for Mobile Excellence
- Cathal McGloin
Vice President, Mobility
IBM MobileFirst Platform - Build, Integrate and Scale Great Mobile Apps
- Curtis Gearhart - Sr Product Mgr
- Anil Daswani - Product Mgr
Enterprise Data Hub: The Next Big Thing in Big Data
- Clarke Patterson
Sr. Director, Product Marketing
SOA Summit Agenda
- [Oracle]: Bruce Tierney - Director for Oracle SOA Suite
- [Ping Identity]: Loren Russon - VP of Product Management & Design
- [SOA Software]: Sachin Agarwal - VP, Product Marketing and Strategy
- [Axway]: Mark O’Neill - VP, Innovation
- [Red Hat]: Kenny Peeples - JBoss Technology Evangelist
Harness The Power of Federated Business
- Loren Russon
VP of Product Management & Design
Better Business Results with Open Source Integration
- Kenny Peeples
JBoss Technology Evangelist
Open Source Integration: Everywhere
- Rob Davies - Technical Director, Fuse Engineering
Build an Intelligent Integrated Enterprise with On-premise and Cloud Applications
- Pierre Fricke - Director, Integration and BPM Product Marketing
Simplifying Cloud and On-Premises Integration
- Bruce Tierney
Director for Oracle SOA Suite
Driving Business Optimization and Integrity with SOA & BPM
- Bob Laird - Enterprise Architect – SOA Foundation Group
Are APIs and SOA Converging?
- Sachin Agarwal
Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategy
Open New Business Opportunities and Address IT Challenges with IBM API Management
- Laura Olson - Product Line Manager – WebSphere Cast Iron Live Web API Services
FuseSource: Integration Everywhere
- Rob Davies, CTO FuseSource - Co-Creator ASF Active MQ, Service Mix Camel
API Management: Architecture Best Practices
- Mark O’Neill
Vice President, Innovation
Introduction to OAuth 2.0
- Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
Unified Identity in SOA Architectures
- Pam Dingle - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
Integrating Cloud and Mobile for the Responsive Enterprise
- Bruce Tierney - Director of Oracle SOA Suite
A RESTful pluggable architecture to tackle Big Data in the Cloud
- Marco Massenzio - Director Engineering (Server & Cloud)
Multi-dimensional SOA at the - Edge of Enterprise
- Hub Vandervoort - CTO, Enterprise Infrastructure
SOA Summit - Case Study Keynote Panel - February 23 2012
- Red Hat: Pierre Fricke - Director, Integration and BPM Product Marketing
- Progress Softare: Hub Vandervoort - CTO, Enterprise Infrastructure
- SnapLogic: Marco Massenzio - Director Engineering (Server & Cloud)
- Ping Identity: Pam Dingle - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
- IBM: Bob Laird Enterprise Architect – SOA Foundation Group
- FuseSource: Rob Davies, CTO FuseSource Co-Creator ASF Active MQ, Service Mix Camel
- SOA Software: Ian Goldsmith - VP, Product Management
Cloud Enables Mobile - Mobile Needs Cloud
- Raj Balasubramanian
Technical Product Mngr, MobileFirst
- Erik Kristiansen
Program Director, Mobile Cloud
Mobile Identity (and not an Identity Mobile)
- Paul Madsen
Senior Technical Architect
Office of the CTO
Tackling the Challenges of Enterprise Mobile Applications
- Gregg Ostrowski
Senior Director,
Enterprise Development &
Technical Partnerships
IBM MobileFirst: Put your Business in Motion
- Vijay Dheap: Global Product Manager Mobile Security Solutions
Preparing for Enterprise Mobile Deployment - 3 Ways to Embrace Change
- Greg Mummah: Product Manager
Rise of the Mobile Machines: Oracle’s Solution for Device-to-Data Center
- Peter Utzschneider: VP of Product Management