Results for PME

Gartner: AI-Augmented Development Hits Radar for 50%-Plus of Enterprises

Gartner says use of GenAI and other AI-augmented development tools alongside traditional tools are a top trend in 2024. Use cases include producing application code, enabling design-to-code transformation and even doing better testing. IDN talks with Gartner VP Joachim Herschmann.

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Crowdbotics Brings AI To “CodeOps” To Improve Reuse, Accelerate App Builds

The Crowdbotics platform is bringing AI to CodeOps to help teams offer more efficient reuse and deliver apps build plans in just seconds. IDN speaks with Crowdbotics Bryan Dunn

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Factors Slowing Your Digital Transformation – And How To Address Them

Delays in digital transformation continue in 2022.  Blue Cedar CEO John Aisien shares the many factors slowing your progress and reveals tips to get back on track.

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How Collaboration Makes Data More Valuable – Six Lessons from Time Series Data

The goal of any data is to uncover real knowledge. InfluxData’s Russ Savage says strong teams and collaboration are the key. Better yet, he shares 6 lessons for ways to collaborate and make your data more valuable.

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How A Modern 'Citizen Developer' Platform Can Help Innovation & Governance Happily Coexist

Today, low-code app development platforms let non-workers to easily build innovative, new apps. But many in IT worry about a loss of control and governance. Bonitasoft CEO Miguel Valdes Faura shows IDN the way to well-governed ‘citizen developer’ apps.

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OutSystems Brings AI, Updated Toolsets to Its Low-Code App Platform

OutSystems is adding AI services to its low-code platform to allow users of any skill level to deliver a wide range of application projects quickly. IDN explores the updates with OutSystem’s Mike Hughes.

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Workato Aurora Combines AI, Low-Code To Rapidly Integrate, Automate Workflows

Workato has launched an update to its enterprise automation platform. The company's Aurora Release combines AI, low-code/no-code integration and more to prome faster app releases and deeper collaboration.

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Split Builds in Two-Way Integration with Google Analytics; Move Aims To Reduce Software Development Risks

Split Software ‘s feature delivery platform is adding bi-directional integration with Google Analytics. The move aims to add visibility and cut risks in app development and DevOps.

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Betty Blocks Aims To Bring Governance, Compliance To No Code App Development

In 2020, no code / low code platforms will expand the ability of non-technical ‘citizen developers’ to build ready-to-launch apps. This has many CIOs to look for ways to add governance to these platforms. IDN talks with Betty Blocks CEO Chris Obdam about its vision for solving this issue.

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C3 Marries AI and Low Code; Project Promotes Smarter Apps, Faster Delivery

Software firm C3 is marrying two of today’s biggest trends in app development – AI and low code / no code IDEs.  The resulting platform allows developers and data scientists to work more closely together.

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With Stitch Backend as a Service, MongoDB Aims at Simplifying Application Development

MongoDB has revealed a new backend-as-a-service (BaaS) initiative that aims to remove the drudgery app developers often face when writing new-gen apps. IDN looks at how Stitch makes it easier to consume services, tie them together, implement access control sand even manage data.

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Become a Mobile Enterprise Using the IBM Mobile Application Development Lifecycle

Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer

Mobile Apps - Accelerate Mobile Development

  Alistair Farquharson - CTO

Mobile Apps - Accelerate Mobile Development

  • Alistair Farquharson - CTO

Mobile Application Development Survey – Executive Summary

  • Ross King – Principal – King Research

