Results for Enterprise

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White Papers

DataSheet: FUSE Message Broker: Enterprise Messaging Software Based on Apache ActiveMQ

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A Standards-Based Authentication & Authorization Framework for Mobile Applications

  • Paul Madsen, Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Security and Integration in a Wider-Connected World

Mobile IT - Keynote Case Study Panel

  • Antenna Software: Jim Somers, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer & Ken Parmelee, Sr Director Product Management
  • Kii Technology: Miko Matsumura  SVP for Platform Marketing and Developer Relations
  • IBM: Greg Truty, Distinguished Engineer, Chief Architect of Mobile (WebSphere)
  • Kapow Software: Stefan Andreasen, CTO and Founder 
  • Ping Identity: Paul Madsen, Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Creating New Value from Web API's

  • Dinesh G. Shetty - IBM Senior Certified IT Specialist
  • M. Hasan Jilani - WebSphere Product Marketing Manager


Addressing Investment Decisions for SOA, IT, and the Business

  • Robert Laird - Enterprise Architect SOA Governance and Policy

10 Things You Need for an Enterprise Digital Incubator

  • Russell Keziere
    Senior Director

Connecting the Data-Driven Enterprise

  • Julien Sauvage
    Director of Big Data Product Marketing

Enterprises Need Customer-Centric Applications – Can They Build them in BPM?

  • Dr. M. Ketabchi - Chief Strategist

Become a Mobile Enterprise Using the IBM Mobile Application Development Lifecycle

Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer

Connect Enterprise APIs to Mobile App Dev

Blake Dournaee [Intel] - Product Manager - Expressway Service Gateway Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D. [VisionMobile ] - Managing Director

Enterprise Mobility: How to Start?

Mary Brittain-White - CEO and Founder Damien Moriarty - International Manager

Exposing the Beast: Custom API Management for the Enterprise

  • Blake Dournaee - Senior Product Manager
  • Randy Heffner - VP and Principle Analyst - Forrester Research

Build an Intelligent Integrated Enterprise with On-premise and Cloud Applications

  • Pierre Fricke - Director, Integration and BPM Product Marketing

Multi-dimensional SOA at the - Edge of Enterprise

  • Hub Vandervoort - CTO, Enterprise Infrastructure 

AMPchroma: Mobility Now in Full Color

  • Jim Somers, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer
  • Ken Parmelee, Sr Director Product Management

ESB-CON 2010: Case Study Keynote

Expert Speakers:

  • IBM: Marc-Thomas Schmidt - Distinguished Engineer and IBM Chief Architect SOA Connectivity
  • Oracle: Bruce Tierney - Product Director for Oracle Fusion Middleware Software

Mobilizing Enterprise Applications that Customers and Employees Demand

  • Stefan Andreasen, CTO and Founder 

Leading the Way for Smarter Mobile Enterprise

  • Greg Truty, Distinguished Engineer, Chief Architect of Mobile (WebSphere)

Cloud Services To Power Your Mobile Apps

  • Miko Matsumura  SVP for Platform Marketing and Developer Relations

Introduction to OpSource: Enterprise Cloud and Managed Hosting for SaaS, Telecoms and Cloud Platforms

  • Treb Ryan - CEO and Co-Founder

