Results for Developers
Evans Data Sees Huge Developer Adoption for AI & Machine Learning
AI is about to cross-the-chasm worldwide. Evans Data Corp. estimates 6.5 million developers already use a purely AI approach, with another 6 million coming in the next 6 months. To explore why AI/ML are on the rise, IDN talks with EDC’s Michael Rasalan.
Full Story >Integration is The Next Step to ROI on Big Data Analytics
Organizations looking for more value from big data investments are finding integration developers – rather than new big data specialists – may hold the key. Progress’ Sumit Sarkar reveals why integration skills can quickly spread big data ROI to more business apps and users.
Full Story >Survey: Evan Data Finds App Developers Welcome the Surge in AI, Deep Learning Tools
A recent survey from Evans Data reveals artificial intelligence is hitting its stride, as developers welcome a parade of AI-centric technologies for apps. IDN speaks Evans Data vice president David Intersimone.
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