Results for BEA

Survey: Even as More Firms Migrate Security Tools to the Cloud, Concerns Remain

Even as more companies migrate security tools to the cloud, a survey from SIEM provider Exabeam reveals concerns remain. Respondents admitted to concerns over data privacy, unauthorized access, server outages, and integration as critical concerns.

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SmartBear Accelerates API Development And Deployment with SwaggerHub Integration with Apigee

SmartBear aims to fill the gap between API design and API management with a new integration between its SwaggerHub integrated API design and documentation platform with API technology from Apigee Edge API management platform.  Apigee was acquired by Google in Nov 2016.

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SmartBear Looks To Speed Up Design, Documenting APIs with Updated, Unified Swagger UI and Editor

SmartBear Software is offering a new unified open source Swagger Editor and UI to make it easier to design, document and consume APIs using the OpenAPI/Swagger toolchain.  SmartBear also adds IBM Cloud to its commercial SwaggerHub integrated API platform offering.

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Exposing the Beast: Custom API Management for the Enterprise

  • Blake Dournaee - Senior Product Manager
  • Randy Heffner - VP and Principle Analyst - Forrester Research